About Me

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Hello, I am Valencia Clark. I am going on to my final year at El Camino College and will be receiving a degree in Fine Art with an emphasis in Film and Video and I am also majoring in Photography. I am a hard working individual just looking for the opportunity to get my foot in the door. I have experiences taking calls, organizing paperwork, overseeing editing suites and production equipment, due to my experience working on student film sets. I have taken course in software programs such as, Final Cut Pro, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, etc. and have proficient knowledge in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I am a multi-taker just willing to do what ever it takes to benefit everyone. I am tech savvy, a trouble shooter, and self motivated. Also highly organized and detail oriented. Thank you for taking this time to read this letter, and if you have any questions please do not be afraid to e-mail me at valenciaclark15@yahoo.com

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

PicTurEs....i love my cell phone

These are the pictures of my creature.....the Squid!!! A real squid is king creepy and scary looking so hence why most of the pictures I choose are either illustrated or from a distance, except for the last two....


  1. actually like the idea of a squid - great shape!

  2. where is your shape assignment and I find it hard to read your left column. Can you read this comment?

  3. Great job for the pictures but where is the bug copy placed next to the original

